
These frozen days are filled to the brim with opportunities to shift your perspective and to see yourself and others and the world around you in fluid ways.  It makes me think of eye witness and perspective exercises and the true uniqueness of our individual experience(s); the shape-shifting of each person’s ‘take’ on what’s going on.  And the individuated nature of reality; each person alone in their own skin and yet connected through this shared time and space.

It seems this transformational integrative time is like a trust exercise.  How to deepen your Self trust, your creative power, your choices, your connections and guidance systems are questions that arise.  Once you can get clear and begin to trust yourselves more, you can also trust others and even the external world more readily. This is the co-creative nature of the world.  Life is not limited to one one particular person’s needs or desires.  Rather, a glorious, expansive space in which we all get to explore and experiment.

This Thursday brings a new moon in Aquarius, the friendly but detached sign of groups and of freedom.  It is an airy mental sign which loves to come up with new ideas.  My grandson, soon to be three, is an Aquarius and is always saying, “I’ve got an idea!” and sometimes his ideas are quite wonderful, sometimes just a way to play with the ipad.  The key is that there is an infinite number of ideas one can come up with creatively. When you know and trust your deepest Selves, and use your free will with awareness of how choices affect you and everyone else, you will come up with the very ideas that will fulfill you and support others.

Be curious, be very very curious.  And be trusting, very very trusting.  What do you intend? What is your new idea? What do you choose?  What will happen next?

Thanks to all of you for your interest in my blog!  I plan to try to write at least once a month with my perspective on these wild times of metamorphosis.

Blessings,  Cynthia

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2 Responses to Perspective

  1. Michelle says:

    As always it’s wonderful to read your perspective. It is indeed a time of self review and examination of life, the choices I’ve made and how to move forward.
    Thank you Cynthia!

  2. Susan Lidstrom says:

    I’m so glad to be connected with you! Your insights are always helpful and always seem to help me focus on current time.
    Be well,

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